22 September 2008


Whoa, it has been a while since I visited my poor little blog site. I have recently been traveling and training people on Revit Structure. I went to Kansas City, Atlanta, Orlando, and San Francisco. Plus I had to 2 hurricanes mess up my plans at various moments. I am still amazed at how few hotels offer free internet. As such I have been out of touch with many things except email on my phone.

This week I go to Houston and then I hope to take a break for a month at least. I have to begin planning for AU 2008, get my flight and write my paper for the Standards class I am teaching.

I also at the end of August I finally moved into a 'new' home. It was a short sale - wow, what an aggravation that was. Anyway, so I have lots on my 'Honey do' list - especially with all my recent travel taking me out of the house!