Photo Scene Editor 1.2 for Project Photofly
Project Photofly is a cloud service that converts photographs to 3d scenes. Create models to load into AutoCAD®, Inventor®, Revit®, etc. software. Version 1.2 adds an improved GUI, better accuracy, plane-restricted modeling, and easier manual stitching.
My personal blog where I try to keep friends and associates informed as to what is going on with me.
15 November 2010
This is killer!
Revit Hangs
I have not posted in a little while, been very busy with work and preparing for Autodesk University. I need to make a conceience decision to post something as often as I can, so perhaps I’ll start just rambling on about what is happening in my world(s).
The machine I have now I have had for about 9 months with very little problems. I’ve had Revit Structure 2011 installed since first being released and have not had many problems. One came up this morning though.
The software wouldn’t load past the splash screen. I recalled others in my office discussing this and after a quick reminder, did a quick look on the web and found the solution described at
Pretty simple actually, I deleted the files noted in #2 and #3 and it opens just fine. Moving on with work now…
18 October 2010
Help Shape AU 2010 Technology Main Stage – Win $50
The Technology Main Stage at Autodesk University in Las Vegas (Wednesday, December 1, 6:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m.) is your opportunity to hear CTOs from Autodesk, Dell, HP, and Intel engage in candid discussions on emerging technologies, near future breakthroughs, and upcoming solutions that may help you do your job better, and help your business maintain growth in this economic climate.
Help us identify the trends and technologies most important to you and your work.
Please take a moment to share your thoughts on which topics Autodesk and our partners should focus on during Technology Main Stage this year. Please respond by Thursday, October 21, 2010.
As a special thank you for your time, three respondents will be randomly selected to receive US$50 gift cards from!
Respond Now
11 October 2010
RTC North America
Click here to view the announcement.
01 October 2010
Revit Extensions for Autodesk Revit Structure 2011
This document presents an overview of the most interesting new features in the software. A full description of all the features is available in the Help.
Important information:
In order to run this software, you must first install Autodesk® Revit® Structure 2011.
New Extensions
Floor Vibration Analysis
The Floor Vibrations Analyzer for Revit Extensions is designed to analyze the vibration response criteria of steel-framed bays for human comfort and sensitive equipment, as described in the AISC Steel Design Guide Series "Floor Vibrations Due to Human Activity." Analysis of floors is performed in one or more of three categories described by the AISC guide:
Vibrations due to walking (static footfall excitation)
Vibrations due to rhythmic activities (dynamic excitation)
Disruption of sensitive equipment (velocity limits due to walking activity)
Gravity Column Analysis
This extension is designed for simple isolated gravity column design. It can analyze existing columns to check section capacity as well as optimize column sections based on axial loads and moments at each floor level. Integration with Revit allows:
Importing Revit defined point loads along the column axis with a possible eccentricity
Reading column end fixity
Writing the selected section back to Revit if accepted.
Column capacity analysis is performed with the AISC13 LRFD Interaction Equation method. Capacity is calculated for each unbraced segment along the strong and weak axis and then compared to the loads and moments at the top of that segment. Loads are automatically aggregated in the direction of gravity along the column.
SDNF Import/Export
The SDNF Import/Export extensions allow:
Export of a steel Revit model to SDNF file format
Import of a SDNF file format to generate a steel model inside a Revit Structure model
These extensions are supporting SDNF v 2.0 and v 3.0 versions and packets:
Packet 00 - Title Packet
Packet 10 - Linear Member Packet
Packet 50 - Grid Packet
Packet 60 - Arc Member (only v3.0)
Integration with SS3
This extension bi-directionally links data between Revit Structure and SS3. Engineers can then use structural data from SS3 to create coordinated drawings and collaborate with Autodesk® Revit® Structure software users. This extension is available only in the Japanese version of Revit Extensions.
Member section Schedule
This extension is generates a member section schedule for reinforced beams and columns from a Revit project. This extension is available only in the Japanese version of Revit Extensions.
CSV Element Generator
This extension will give the ability to generate concrete beams and columns on a Revit Structure project as well as create parametric reinforcement inside these new elements. Generation is based on the CSV file format. This extension is available only in the Japanese version of Revit Extensions.
Extensions Update
Integration with Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis
Appropriate model location in space when transferred from to Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis
This enhancement helps ensure transferred models will be accurately located in relation to Robot’s Global Coordinate System.
Better management of Sections Profiles names when transferred to Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis
This enhancement distinguishes Revit families of the same name when represented as Section Labels in Robot.
27 September 2010
Revit 2011 Subscription Advantage Pack - Part 2
So far we have new conceptual energy analysis tools. These are now doable from within the single Revit Architecture or Revit MEP programs. Get out of the darkness and into the sun study! Okay, well I'm not a comic so that is best I could come up with.
Then we have now something called Revit Server, where a central file is placed on a single server on your WAN, defined as a Central Server. Then users access it, files get copied to local servers and then to the local station. Performance gets a big boost.
Next in the Revit 2011 SAP are improved Design Analysis tools in Revit Structure. Newly added is floor vibration analysis, gravity column analysis, and SDNF import & export. The last one has the potential to really finally get engineers to start using a RST model for the model generation in non-Autodesk design tools. It is an older format, but it provides a pretty wide base level of compatability.
So when is the Revit 2011 SAP getting released? Soon...probably this week. ;)
Revit 2011 Subscription Advantage Pack
So what is new? Well for starters there is a new conceptual energy analysis module that can be used as a precursor to Ecotec. For those that do daylight and sun studies, this will really let you do a lot from within the Revit file. Using Ecotec requires porting out to another file for use in that product. It's cool stuff... pardon the pun. Location Weather and Site is another new thing. Basically Autodesk is providing localized temp, wind, etc, statistical data for just about any location in the world. This is then used for analysis. Another enhancements is dealing with masses and surfaces. If you are in the architectural arena, these features will be a great interest.
The next big thing, one that will be of benefit to any Revit user is what is called Revit Server. In a nutshell it allows are a central file to be used remotely at a level of performance that is truly usable. Whoa... this is really, really, big. I don't know about you but worksharing over a WAN is almost a death sentence. I know I feel I lose "life units" when saving to central across a WAN. Now, how does it work? You got me, it just does. But I do know that it will make some hardware solutions somewhat null and void. I have heard of many going out and buying hardware that mimics this sort of functionality. So from now on you don't have to decide on buying hardware to make remote work better, or getting a new application. You can now go ahead and just get that application.
So what is it? You have a central file in San Francisco on a Central Server. Then you have local server in your location. This has your local central file. Then by making a copy as you do now you work with the project file via the local file. Now qwhen you do a reload latest, that info comes from the local server. Then the local servers and central server talk amongst themselves, and keep each other up to date with elements and permissions. Ok, so you get more efficient use of your bandwidth. Only the new stuff is moving back and forth. And lastly you getting the infrastructure for future growth, out from behind the firewall. Can you say collaboration?
So who is going to be your Revit Server Adminstrator? I see some power struggles coming.
Do you have access to all there is?
Of course there is.
One great method is to surf the internet for diamonds. There are many users out there who create families, lisp routines, blocks, programs, API, etc. They create these things and then share them with the world via, Autodesk exchange, blogs, ftp, etc.
But in the end, you have to take the first step. You have to go and look for it. Very little in this world will just drop itself on your lap(top). Now fortunately there are users out there who will do some of this work for you, myself included. There are some cool things about to an eye out.
24 September 2010
Autodesk University 2010: Check your classes
Project Newport
Experience real-time 3D story-building technology designed specifically for architectural visualization and presentation. With game-engine technology and intuitive navigation techniques, Project Newport helps architects show their designs in context, rapidly explore design options, and create vivid and immersive 3D presentations in which customers and building owners can actively participate. Project Newport brings architectural designs to life by expressing design intent, understandably and in context, at every stage of a project.
Click here to
15 September 2010
Load additional catalog types "easy peasy"
For example, if I want to load a W30x108 beam type from the W-Wide Flange.rfa family file, normally I would start the Beam tool. Then since I don’t have the type click the Load Family button. That opens the Load Family file dialog. Click into Structural, then Framing, Steel, scroll down and locate and select W-Wide Flange.rfa. Click Open and there we have the catalog file. That was 7 clicks and took a little focus to get the right folders. Without close attention on occasion you might go into Columns incorrectly and not notice until after loading.
Now for the other method. Once you know you need a beam type you don’t have loaded. Expand the Families list (if needed). Expand Structural Framing (or the category you need), locate and select the family name (W-Wide Flange), right-click and choose Reload. Revit will locate the family file and make it selected. All you have to do is click Open. If all items I mentioned were closed, that was 6 clicks to get the catalog open, perhaps not a huge savings, but often you will have some of these expanded already. Additionally, there was no hunting thru a directory for a file. I think that is where the efficiency really is. No mistakes can be made.
That’s it. Reload via the Families category in the Project Browser. Give it a try.
14 September 2010
AUGIWorld September/October 2010 Issue
11 September 2010
Autodesk University Registration Open
31 August 2010
Revit Technology Conference 2011
Revit Technology Conference, Australia: 26-28 May, Jupiter's Gold Coast, Queensland
Revit Technology Conference, USA: 23-25 June, Hyatt Huntingdon Beach, Orange County, California
Read all about it, with the complete wrap of the 2010 conference in the just released Newsletter #7 August 2010.
18 August 2010
AUGI Wish Lists Voting
Do you use these programs? Then vote!
11 August 2010
Spring 2010 Edition of AUGI AEC Edge Now Available

AUGI AEC Edge, AUGI’s newest publication dedicated to the AEC industry, has a brand new edition ready for download. This feature-packed issue delivers a long list of articles spanning nearly every discipline of the AEC industry.
Here’s a list of what you can expect from the Spring 2010 issue:
Design Your Own Adventure: Combining Energy and Cost Analysis With Revit
Rooms and Spaces; Revit’s Un-Built Elements
Linking Revit Files
Collaboration Using a Single Model
Sustainable Infrastructure: The Benefits of Autodesk BIM at a Project and City Scale
Visualization and Automation Guide
AutoCAD 2011: 25 and Still Going Strong
What’s New in Revit Architecture 2011
Revit Fundamentals - Part 3 (I wrote this!)
Contributed White Paper – “BIM for Integrated Design: A Process for Design Analysis”
Product Review - "Product Review - CodeBook - version 9.0”
Autodesk Insiders
AUGI Local Chapter Focus
Inside Track
Head's Up
15 July 2010
AUGIWorld July/August 2010 Issue
This issue is chock full of great articles plus a focus on the Top Ten wish list for AutoCAD and Revit Architecture, June 2010 cycle. Additionally, each author contributed their own personal wish ideas, a neat extra punch for this issue!
As Jean-Luc Picard would say, "Autodesk, make it so".
14 July 2010
Revit and Visualization
12 July 2010
Yep, I'm still here
A couple new things popping up. Should see a new issue of AUGIworld shortly. AUGIAEC Edge is due out soon as well. I'm working to get more people working on the magazines, both as writers and editors (interested? email me). There are some new things happening on the AUGI wish list (more later). I didn't submit to teach a class at AU this year, I have plenty to do as it is. But it looks like there will be a chance to see me teach sometime next year...
24 June 2010
Take the 2010 AUGI Salary Survey
How does your salary stack up against others with your title, in your industry, and in your geographic region? AUGI promises to help you find that out. But first you have to complete the 2010 AUGI Salary Survey!
Key results will be published in AUGIWorld magazine this fall, and we'll present our usual in-depth analyses for additional industries on
The AUGI Salary Survey is always a work in progress. The comments and feedback we've collected from AUGI members are reviewed and used to enhance this year's survey to include more job titles, additional questions, and other improvements. You'll get results that you can show to the boss, and maybe even take to the bank. Click here to take the Salary Survey.
As always, your participation in AUGI's Salary Survey is anonymous. We do not track, capture, or in any way link individual AUGI members with the survey data they provide.
Remember that your participation is vital. The more survey respondents there are, the more accurate our picture of salaries earned and benefits enjoyed by all AUGI members worldwide. Please don’t delay! The deadline for participating in the survey is July 10, 2010.
Melanie Perry
AUGI Salary Survey Manager
01 June 2010
25 May 2010
Call for Participants for AutoCAD Migration study
Dear AutoCAD User!
AutoCAD Product Design & Usability Team is looking for participants for the study.
Topic: focus on Migration process, Migration tool and results of migration.
Our Goal
To gain the most complete understanding about problems and requests AutoCAD users may have while migrating their settings and customization from a previous release of AutoCAD.
Who Should Participate?
We are looking for individual contributors or CAD managers with small number of seats (less than 5- either standalone or multi-seat standalone) with unsatisfying experience using Migration tool to migrate settings from a previous version of AutoCAD.
How the Study will be Conducted?
We will schedule ~1 h interview session with you (remotely) and discuss your experience with migration, results you expected, outcome you’ve got.
We are planning research between May 27 and June 2, 2010.
How To Sign Up?
Please submit qualification data and indicate your availability here:
Please contact if you have any questions.
Thanks for your help!
AutoCAD Product Design&Usability Group
Autodesk, Inc
18 May 2010
Vote Now for Your Favorite AU 2010 Class Proposals!
You can vote on a maximum of 20 classes. Use caution when voting. Once a vote is submitted, you cannot change it.
To vote for your favorite classes:
1. Go to Autodesk University Class Voting
2. Sign in to the AU website using your AU username and password. This is the same account you use to access AU online classes and register for the AU conference or AU Virtual.
3. Search for topics that might interest you. You can filter by track, audience expertise, class type, software product, language, and speaker.
4. Click on a class to get more information about the class or to vote for the class.
5. In the Vote Now drop-down list, select one of the voting choices.
6. Click Submit Vote.
Voting ends Friday, May 21.
The AU Team
Phone: 888-371-1722 (toll-free in the United States) or +1 415-446-7717
Fax: 415-507-1480
Hours: 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. (Pacific Time)
11 May 2010
Autodesk Survey: AutoCAD Array
We are looking for participants for the remote study on AutoCAD Array.
Who Are We Looking For?
General AutoCAD users of any discipline (latest release or older versions of AutoCAD), who are familiar with the Array command and use grips to edit their drawings.
Optional/additional requirements:
• Users that are familiar with parametric drawing (geometric and dimensional constraints in AutoCAD)
• Users familiar with 3D
• Familiar with the DIVIDE and MEASURE commands.
We are planning to conduct this study the week of May 17th (we will conduct 8 sessions).
We will be sending you a $30 Amazon Gift Certificate as a token of thanks for the 60 min remote session.
How to Participate?
All sessions are remote, via the GoToMeeting/phone.
If you are interested in participating, please check all times that you are available (Pacific Time, USA):
Autodesk: Revit API Wishlist Survey, Spring 2010
We would like your help prioritizing API enhancements for future releases of Autodesk Revit. Based on your input today, we will publish back to you the "Revit API Wish List" that our engineering team will be considering when prioritizing their Revit API development efforts. Help us help you by completing this survey.
Click HERE to begin.
05 May 2010
Attention Writers!
26 April 2010
Autodesk AutoCAD Survey: Internet Usage
Dear AutoCAD User!
Please provide us with your opinions on the use of the internet when accomplishing CAD work. We need your expertise on what content you find valuable and useful to make sure that future releases support your work effectively.
Please dedicate 30- 35 min of your time by submitting your responses on this research.
Our Goal
To gain the most complete understanding about CAD-related internet usage so that we may be able to make effective design decisions.
Who Should Participate?
This survey is open to individual contributors (Designers, Drafters), CAD Managers and students using any AutoCAD variation for any period of time.
How To Participate?
Please submit your opinion via the AutoCAD and the Internet Survey:
Please contact us if you have any questions.
Thanks for your help!
AutoCAD Product Design&Usability Group
Autodesk, Inc
(On behalf of the group-
Follow AutoCAD Research on Twitter:
23 April 2010
Time to Vote on Wishes!
AUGI Members, it is time once again to let Autodesk know what you would like to see in future releases of AutoCAD and Revit Architecture. The next Wish List ballot is open. Autodesk uses the results of AUGI Wish List ballots to help plan out improvements in the software. Take advantage of this opportunity. The only thing you need is a membership in AUGI, and a little bit of your time.
You've submitted your wishes, now come vote on the ones you'd most like to see become a part of the product you use on a daily basis. On behalf of all of the wish list team members - reviewers and administrators - thank you for your time and your vote!
Vote now for AutoCAD and Revit Architecture!
You must be an AUGI member and you must log in to vote.
Revit Architecture
07 April 2010
06 April 2010
Who Should Participate?
Any AutoCAD user
How To Participate?
Please submit your opinion via the Toolbars and Menus Survey:
Thanks for your help!-
AutoCAD Product Design&Usability Group
(Contact: elena.<><>)
Follow AutoCAD Research on Twitter!:
Autodesk AEC Technology Day
One of my first questions is why? What is this about? What is my role? I don't really have all the answers yet but it is proving to be interesting.
Last night was a media reception at the office. It was here that I learned that a main focus of the event is to make sure we (bloggers,writers,teachers,etc) have a basic grasp of what 2011 entails. What's good about it and how it can impact what we are doing.
What does Autodesk expect from this? As far as I can tell nothing beyond doing what *we* do. Talk about it, if we want, or don't talk about it. I've asked the question and interestingly gotten pretty much nothing in the form of guidance.
Okay, so what do I say? Well last night was interesting. I was happy to spend a few minutes speaking with some old Autodesk friends such as Nicolas and Marie. It was great to finally meet some fellow bloggers and instructors. The event ended too early in my opinion, so a few of us went back to the hotel and kept up the dialog, discussing all aspects of Autodesk, the communitity, and how it is impacting our lives directly.
So far so good. Today is scheduled and full of meetings. I can't wait to get through it and I will surely peel off at some point and talk about what I have seen and heard.
05 April 2010
Revit Structure 2011 Feature: Bullets and Numbering
What? Really? Yes kids, you have bullets and numbering in Revit 2011! You can fire up the text notes tool. Pick a spot to put it and then start typeing. When you are ready to start numbering, use the tool from the contextual ribbon and you immediately get a numeral uno! "1." and some space. Start typing and you have your first line of text. Hit Enter and get a "2.", continue typing.
It is just how it supposed to be, the world is alright now...
Now I have to admit it isn't all glory, we don't yet have copy/paste from MS Word and have the copied bullets or numbers exist as native Revit bullets & numbers. But I generally believe it is good enough now and that ability actually isn't needed anyway. Learn to type your notes in Revit and this is a non-issue.
01 April 2010
Revit Structure 2011 Feature: Remove Beam System
My personal favorite in RST2011 is the new ability to explode a beam system.
At some point you eventually get fed up with it and delete the beam system and relegate yourself to modeling the beams back.
Well now you don't have to. Once you are done with the beam system control, you can blow it up and leave all the beams behind. Nice.
Navisworks 2011 for Subscription Managers
25 March 2010
Revit Structure 2011 - User Interface Changes
Autodesk Webcast
It had to happen, Autodesk had improvments to make and users had needs. Then they get married!
But seriously, interested in what's coming around the bend? Click here... but you have to be only.
12 March 2010
AutoCAD Linetype Survey
Dear AutoCAD User-
AutoCAD Product Design and Usability Group would appreciate your feedback and input on using Linetypes in AutoCAD.
Who Should Participate?
The audience is that of general AutoCAD users, in any discipline, currently using linetypes in their drawings.
How To Participate?
Please use the AutoCAD Linetypes Survey Link to access the survey:
Thanks for your participation!
11 March 2010
AUGIWorld March/April 2010 Issue
Click Here to download the AUGIWorld March/April 2010 issue
In this issue of AUGIWorld:
* Beyond Autodesk: Are You Plugged In? - Innovation comes not only from within Autodesk, but from the vast user community outside it as well. In this article, Autodesk's Kean Walmsley introduces a number of plugins developed to enhance various Autodesk products - all honored as "Plugin of the Month."
* How Do You Use AutoCAD Civil 3D? - A question asked of Autodesk University attendees yields some surprising answers, summarized here by author John Evans.
* Put a Shine on those Floors! - Author Christopher Fox discusses a number of techniques for creating and managing floors in Autodesk Revit Architecture.
* Groups Inside Revit Structure - The ability to better manage change is one of the major reasons to use groups inside of Revit. Phil Russo walks you through the process.
* Peopleware, Part 2 - If you decide to hire outside the firm, here are some practical tips from Antonio Fontenele on the best way to approach
28 February 2010
But I have one now...
Recently I had another go at using AutoCAD Architecture for generating structural drawings. It didn't go so well. ACA (and the AutoCAD parent) are great at modeling, I've used them many times over the years. But from a standpoint of documentation, ACA just doesn't do it for a structural drawing. Too many limitations, too much configuration is required to get something that looks "ok". Now this may spawn some negative feedback from some solid ACA users who do structural work, but that's okay, I don't mind. I have to wonder though, if Autodesk itself thought ACA was a good SE solution - don't you think they would be marketing that way? They don't and it is that fact that should be the clue as to how well it works. If Autodesk thought they could provide a solution (without having to create new s/w) and make a buck/quid doing it, they would! Duh... I kinda feel dumb for even trying now.
16 January 2010
AUGIWorld: Jan/Feb 2010
07 January 2010
Organize Frequently Used Families
1) In your My Documents folder, create a folder called whatever, "RST2010 Family Favs" perhaps.
2) From within Revit, open any File access dialog (like Open) and browse to My Documents. Click and drag the "RST2010 Family Favs" folder onto the Places area of the File access dialog.
3) When you close this dialog, Revit will ask if you want to save the changes to the Places list - do so.
Now go about your work. Next time you go to access a family you use a lot,
a) Right-click on it and choose Copy.
b) Then move to the Places list and click on that "fav" folder. In the "fav" folder, right-click and choose Paste Shortcut.
Now you can just click the shortcut link and Revit will follow it and load the family file. If applicable it will open up the catalog as well.
Now the beauty of this is that the file organization for Revit families is quite complicated, files are all over the place - even those related to one another. You could take this a step further and make folders for specific project types (perhaps a Precast building folder) and put shortcut links to frequently used families that all related to that building type. By being a shortcut, you maintain your standard family organization and as Autodesk updates the family files, the links you created stay valid (as long as the name and location is the same).
05 January 2010
AUGIWorld 2010 March/April Issue
Efforts are underway for the second issue of AUGIWorld for 2010! Here’s the request for you to pitch in and help out! As you may have noticed AW has gotten a bit more chunky as now we are a digital only publication. This is great news as now more authors can contribute and the articles can be longer!
The next deadline is January 18, 2010. This is a Monday so you have that weekend prior to write. ;)
If you can contribute to this issue please contact me as soon as possible so we can define the subject you are covering.
Take care and have a wonderful new year!