27 September 2010

Revit 2011 Subscription Advantage Pack - Part 2

So the previous post has some pretty big enhancements, but that isn't all of it...nice huh? Those guys up in Waltham have been busy!

So far we have new conceptual energy analysis tools. These are now doable from within the single Revit Architecture or Revit MEP programs. Get out of the darkness and into the sun study! Okay, well I'm not a comic so that is best I could come up with.

Then we have now something called Revit Server, where a central file is placed on a single server on your WAN, defined as a Central Server. Then users access it, files get copied to local servers and then to the local station. Performance gets a big boost.

Next in the Revit 2011 SAP are improved Design Analysis tools in Revit Structure. Newly added is floor vibration analysis, gravity column analysis, and SDNF import & export. The last one has the potential to really finally get engineers to start using a RST model for the model generation in non-Autodesk design tools. It is an older format, but it provides a pretty wide base level of compatability.

So when is the Revit 2011 SAP getting released? Soon...probably this week. ;)

Revit 2011 Subscription Advantage Pack

Today Autodesk announced a new Subscription Advantage Pack for Revit 2011 products. There are a good number of enhancements across the Revit collection. As a long time AutoCAD user, I'm personally very pleased to see enhancements between major release versions. It keeps me new and excited as these new features are hot new tools and toys. It will get me thru the next 6 months of dry time...

So what is new? Well for starters there is a new conceptual energy analysis module that can be used as a precursor to Ecotec. For those that do daylight and sun studies, this will really let you do a lot from within the Revit file. Using Ecotec requires porting out to another file for use in that product. It's cool stuff... pardon the pun. Location Weather and Site is another new thing. Basically Autodesk is providing localized temp, wind, etc, statistical data for just about any location in the world. This is then used for analysis. Another enhancements is dealing with masses and surfaces. If you are in the architectural arena, these features will be a great interest.

The next big thing, one that will be of benefit to any Revit user is what is called Revit Server. In a nutshell it allows are a central file to be used remotely at a level of performance that is truly usable. Whoa... this is really, really, big. I don't know about you but worksharing over a WAN is almost a death sentence. I know I feel I lose "life units" when saving to central across a WAN. Now, how does it work? You got me, it just does. But I do know that it will make some hardware solutions somewhat null and void. I have heard of many going out and buying hardware that mimics this sort of functionality. So from now on you don't have to decide on buying hardware to make remote work better, or getting a new application. You can now go ahead and just get that application.

So what is it? You have a central file in San Francisco on a Central Server. Then you have local server in your location. This has your local central file. Then by making a copy as you do now you work with the project file via the local file. Now qwhen you do a reload latest, that info comes from the local server. Then the local servers and central server talk amongst themselves, and keep each other up to date with elements and permissions. Ok, so you get more efficient use of your bandwidth. Only the new stuff is moving back and forth. And lastly you getting the infrastructure for future growth, out from behind the firewall. Can you say collaboration?

So who is going to be your Revit Server Adminstrator? I see some power struggles coming.

Do you have access to all there is?

So you have some Autodesk software, you use it and love it. Now, do you want more? Do you have everything that you need? Is there anything missing?

Of course there is.

One great method is to surf the internet for diamonds. There are many users out there who create families, lisp routines, blocks, programs, API, etc. They create these things and then share them with the world via http://www.augi.com/, Autodesk exchange, blogs, ftp, etc.

But in the end, you have to take the first step. You have to go and look for it. Very little in this world will just drop itself on your lap(top). Now fortunately there are users out there who will do some of this work for you, myself included. There are some cool things about to drop...today...keep an eye out.

24 September 2010

Autodesk University 2010: Check your classes

I'm going out to AU (see you there) and have done the whole register bit and picked my classes. This week I got what looked like an automated email saying one of my selected classes was cancelled. At this time I don't recall which class it was but if you get one of these emails, you would be wise to not sit on it. Get back to the site and pick another class to fill in that time slot. In most cases there are only a few classes in each time slot on a similar track. If you get one cancelled and don't select the other, well, you might lose out since everyone else who got the same notice will pick that class you want. Classes do fill up after all...

Project Newport

Autodesk came out with this a little while ago but it is still making the rounds. Per their web site

Experience real-time 3D story-building technology designed specifically for architectural visualization and presentation. With game-engine technology and intuitive navigation techniques, Project Newport helps architects show their designs in context, rapidly explore design options, and create vivid and immersive 3D presentations in which customers and building owners can actively participate. Project Newport brings architectural designs to life by expressing design intent, understandably and in context, at every stage of a project.

Click here to

15 September 2010

Load additional catalog types "easy peasy"

I’ve been meaning to share this for a while. I came across a quick way to load additional types from a catalog (or reload a family quickly) by using the Families section of the Project Browser.

For example, if I want to load a W30x108 beam type from the W-Wide Flange.rfa family file, normally I would start the Beam tool. Then since I don’t have the type click the Load Family button. That opens the Load Family file dialog. Click into Structural, then Framing, Steel, scroll down and locate and select W-Wide Flange.rfa. Click Open and there we have the catalog file. That was 7 clicks and took a little focus to get the right folders. Without close attention on occasion you might go into Columns incorrectly and not notice until after loading.

Now for the other method. Once you know you need a beam type you don’t have loaded. Expand the Families list (if needed). Expand Structural Framing (or the category you need), locate and select the family name (W-Wide Flange), right-click and choose Reload. Revit will locate the family file and make it selected. All you have to do is click Open. If all items I mentioned were closed, that was 6 clicks to get the catalog open, perhaps not a huge savings, but often you will have some of these expanded already. Additionally, there was no hunting thru a directory for a file. I think that is where the efficiency really is. No mistakes can be made.

That’s it. Reload via the Families category in the Project Browser. Give it a try.

14 September 2010

AUGIWorld September/October 2010 Issue

The next exciting issue of AUGIWorld is out! Click here to read it...

11 September 2010

Autodesk University Registration Open

You can now register to attend Autodesk University in Las Vegas in early December 2010. Click here to go to the conference website.